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my real name is Natia  Lemard I'm a spiritual  singer, song writer, YouTuber, video editor. 


I create my homemade music  
 lyric videos,

music videos,

acapella videos,

song covers,

(quotes on Tumblr)

I also post my  performances. 


I share the truth through my music, topics that most people don't talk about and wouldn't tell you. I  go deep.


I believe in sharing to others the knowledge instead of keeping it to


Growing up 

I started singing around the age of seven, I've always wanted to be a singer, I  

wanted to wow an audience through music but not just because of my voice but, because of a message (back then I  didn't know what sort of message)

I just felt this strongly that this is what I  came to do. 

 I would write my own songs at the age of  nine and sing them to myself, 

in my bedroom. I've always loved my alone time and still  do till this day. I  strongly believe this is my purpose.

(a spiritual  messenger through my music)


 I also enjoyed writing stories about haunted houses and ghost. I  wouldn't show anyone these stories (as I felt this isn't "normal" stuff  to write about) I'll read  them over and fold the papers in half  (landscape) so it then looked like a book with pages. I'll then create a front page and fold it over my story I would then hide these stories under my bed .

Through my teen  years I remember walking home with my  sister and realising how we can just get up and walk, talk and scratch our head without thinking about it, why we here?, what's the whole point? all these deep sort of questions started to pop up in my head. I told my sister she said she had the same thoughts too sometimes. That's when I notice and realised yes I'm not the only one.

(But around friends and other family members and work colleagues I'll feel like the odd one out like no one understands me at times) Me and my sister though would sometimes talk about  (what happens when we die etc) 

I then came to the realisation that

I was going through  my spiritual awakening 

(In my late teen years) 

by coming across a video on YouTube called (10 signs your going through a  spiritual awakening your not crazy. This  videos blow my my mind as I had nearly all the signs. This video may help you if you feel maybe you are going through one. 


This video really shown me that I wasn't  going crazy the spirit within (the true you) was just  waking up, and my  sister was too a little bit  but in a different  way. I  would research and research to the bottom of the truth to get the answer I was looking for. (As friends, and family members around me couldn't  answer theses questions I had. 











They use numbers to get your attention as this is the universes language, there was numbers before letters the ancients knew this. Sounds crazy I know!

but don't take my word  for it (do your own research) a video here on synchronicities.

(do what I do don't just  watch one video or  read one website 

watch and read   multiple and put it  together your self your know if its truth it  should resonate with your soul (the true you).

Further through my  spiritual awakening I  learnt also why I loved  my alone time so much  and why is it actually  important sometimes. (that's when I notice after all  there's nothing wrong with me) alone time keeps you  distracted from the outside noise from taking you off  your path. This video explains more: 

I also realised through  my spiritual awakening that there's got to be more to life then going to nursery, school, college, university, work then you retire. Now your free then to do what you like and enjoy. (What when your week from all those years of  working how  could you enjoy life now and the things you enjoy doing)  

This just didn't make any sense to me.





I learnt also through my  awakening that they  created this system so we would be distracted from our life purpose, because they don't  want us to wake up to who we really are and to remember that live is our creation. 'life is but  a dream' imagine if  everyone remembered  this 

they will lose control  other humanity. Fear  creates a world you can control love creates a world you can not  control. They know this that's why they hate love, love evil and that's why the media is fear based. They reversed  everything live then becomes evil. 

They use their fear based  platform aka: news

This is to keep people in fear (which stands for

'False Evidence Appearing


(the more distracted the more you off your life path, the more you'll forget who you really are and the more fearful you are the more you turn to them for help (so then they can control you) well  in fact they are the problem in the first place. again do your own research. 



Growing up I didn't  even watch the news either. I remember it  being on in the  background and  family watching it I  would wonder why  you would want to watch something so low vibrational all the
time. (negative) (I   know now thank  greatness for my 


I also believe this will  help people too. Because society is taught to look only at the physical. But I  believe we need to also look at the spiritual to understand the bigger picture. (It's time now the truth is coming to light)

To remember your life purpose I believe is to look back on what you enjoyed  and was obsessed  with when you was  younger if  you can't  remember that far  back think and find  out what really makes you truly happy.


Live is a lesson and  an experience at the end of the day. So why not create your experience. Enjoy your life control your life free your mind (free you)

Planet earth is the planet of  balance/polarity  everything has its opposites left right, up down, in out, good bad feminine masculine, etc. we experience the good and the bad so we can learn to appreciate the good and to know what we don't want in our life's. We also have the light and dark energies within us. also known as your shadow side. (yin yang) this what  makes us whole.


 you do need the "dark" side to be able to stand up for yourself and being to sweet to people they'll walk all over you.

This is why it is key to embrace the light and the dark, masculine and feminine energy of  us. 

if we just  experienced the good in life we wouldn't know the 

meaning of  happiness or learn to appreciate it. 

You need the balance. "good" and "bad" it's just energy everything is energy. Us as humans like to label every thing.

which the media as I  was saying before  just focuses on the bad. 

(being all "good" or  all "bad" you'll  fall, we need be in balance.) And  that's what you see happening today their system is falling. (the matrix) check out the video below. 

Watch this short science video to the end proof 'we are the world' 'live is our creation' 'life is but a dream' this video reminds me of the VR game which stands for Virtual Reality. I believe they created this game for a reason to show us something. 

As my sister on the  over hand wouldn't research but was willing to listen to what I learned sometimes, she'll say  stuff like "that makes sense" she'll notice synchronicities

(the same number appearing more than once) on the time as well as I do. My sister now understands why we see this and why others do to. (it's a sign from your angels, universe, guides, divine God or spirit many call it different names but their/we are all one (spirit coming from the Latin word spiritus which means breath)

Again not every one is fit for this knowledge (some may

call it crazy as they are so

used to being lied to all their live. video here explains: 

My Social Media's

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