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You don't have a disability you have a different ability. Being you is so freeing because you don't have to pretend to be someone else.  

 #unique #beingyou #different #Aliensuperstar #Aliensuperstarbeyonce 

#weird #different #complexmind #aquarius

Be you.Being you is so freeing because you don't have to keep up being someone else. ♥ 'All of these things we do in a different Unique, specific way that is personally ours' 👽

#Aliensuperstar #beyonce

 #different #unique #spiritualtiktok🧿 #standout #alien 


Being highly aware people begin to call you crazy, don't worry it just means you understand the unknown. 

#"crazy" #"mad" #"weird" #awake #aware 

#unknown #truths 





'Spaceships fly' We all  know earth is one planet  with life forms on it. And we have many more planets in our solar system, with different life forms on there too 

So what makes you think  we are only life forms that  exist altogether?

#beyonce #cuffitbeyonce 




I'm now aware how complex all this knowledge is and that only some people can't see/understand so deeply but this is for the people who can, and is interested and are waking up. 

I'm only here to remind most of you we all know this already before we came here. 

We just forget to experience life (forgetting who we are) to then awaken and remember again. (It's part of your life's lesson for most of us)

everyone has a different life path. Real news is not everyone signed to be awake on earth in human form.

#whoarewe #hiddentruth 


#deep #lifeisbutalesson #knowthyself #lifeexperience #lifesbutadream 

When you think you can't achieve what you want have faith and believe you can. Put in the work also, 

because 'whether you think and believe you can or you can't your right'. 

'You can do anything you put your mind to' (mind body and soul is one) 

#Emelisande #yesyoucan #believeispower 

Fernando explains
more deeper. (Skip to 24:10)

Disclaimer: contains sexual language 

Love has no gender,

love is love at the end of the day. We are all masculine and feminine energy in masculine or feminine bodies.


Some of us have already mastered the feminine or masculine energy before in different life times.


For example: You may have been a woman 

before this life time and all the life times before this one and mastered it in physical form.

 So now this life time your in a masculine body to learn to master this energy in physical form.

(remember life is a learning curve and an experience.)

This is why you come across

men who seem really "girly"

 it's just the feminine energy that they 

 have mastered before and what the soul/you is comfortable with. (and vice versa)

So this makes sense for you to be "gay" now in this life time (which means happy anyway) 

 There are other people who have mastered both energies so this is why you may be "bisexual" in this life time.



 #one #darklight #balance 

Time stamp here fast forward to:
warning he shares even deep information in part two could leads to


If you want to expand your knowledge more on this topic here's part 3. Time stamp here: 1:46.

He really goes deep with examples included.

They make it look as though
the world is ending.
But we ain't falling under 
'we are full of light we are
full of wonder'

#wonder #Emelisande
 #wearefulloflight #stars 

Love yourself first (that's how to
find true love)
'you can't pour an empty cup'
remember the polarity 
of life (balance) 'as within so without' life outside there is only reflecting back to you what you are.

'we are the world' 

#loveyourself #selflove #balance
#polarity #yingang #darklight


Guys be happy once its coming from the inside out no one can take it away from you. #Behappy  

Crazy tings are happening but when u in the truth these no need to worry!! 😁 #crazytings 




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